
Farmers Have Their Say About Colorado Water Plan

Apr 01, 2015

iStock_000007637380_FullThis post was co-written by Mark Harris, general manager for the Grand Valley Water Users’ Association.

In a recent op-ed, the Colorado Forum – a nonpartisan organization of CEOs and civic leaders – delivered a powerful message to Governor Hickenlooper, who is drafting a first-ever Colorado Water Plan to confront the state’s growing water demands.

The forum’s message: we must all work together to secure a water future that keeps Colorado a world class place to live, visit, work and play.

The forum made a handful of recommendations in the article, but one stood out to us as particularly relevant as we attempt to balance many competing interests in a single water plan: agriculture must be given the freedom and opportunity to thrive in Colorado’s water future.

Read more HERE.

The Business of Water in Colorado, West

Apr 09, 2015 -
Water solutions aren't partisan, just ask Senator Reid, Senator Heller and businesses.